Celebrate National Heritage Week with a series of events to engage history enthusiasts of all ages at Lucan Library.


  • The Stacumny Ambush, an Exhibition at Lucan Library, inspired by historian Seamus Cullen’s article. The exhibition, which celebrates the centenary of the War of Independence focuses on this ambush as well as the ambush of the Lucan Barracks, bringing a local perspective to this significant period in Irish political history. The exhibition will be on at the Lucan Library until the end of August.
  • Irish History Live and the War of Independence- a zoom call for kids. Mike Moylan will regale kids with a brilliant re-enactment of moments from modern Irish History and the violent fight for eventual independence.  This online event for 8-12 year olds takes place on Thursday 12th August at 3pm. For bookings see Eventbrite at lucanlibrarydublin.eventbrite.com
  • The 11th July Truce with Liz Gillis. At 12pm on 11th July 1921, the Irish War of Independence came to an end. The Republicans had forced the greatest Empire the world has ever seen to the negotiating table. Historian Liz Gillis, researcher for the History Show on RTE Radio1 and author of numerous publications, will discuss the events of the last six months of that conflict which lead to the British government seeking to negotiate a Truce with the underground Irish government, as part of this Heritage Week Festival. You can book a place for this fascinating Zoon talk, on Wednesday 18th August at 7pm via Eventbrite at lucanlibrarydublin.eventbrite,com


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