Unwind with McDonalds exciting selection of books and discover the Little People, Big Dreams series, available now with every McDonalds Happy Meal. Your little one can discover the lives of outstanding people who achieved incredible things. From designers and artists to scientists, these stories encourage children to believe in themselves so they can do anything.

Discover the life of Elton John, the piano wizard who rocketed to stardom with his music and the story behind the Queen of Soul Aretha Franklin; the first female artist to be inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in 1987. Follow Ella Fitzgerald’s inspirational life as the first Lady of Song, from her early singing days on the streets of Harlem, to her success as a jazz legend. Meet Josephine Baker, the wonderful world-famous entertainer, activist, and French Resistance agent in this true story of her life.

Learn through play at McDonalds digital family hub. From creative activities to interactive play, board games to eBooks, plus football skills videos to keep your little ones active, you’ll find hours of entertainment for the whole family.



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